Patching OpenSSL's heartbleed with puppet.

Everyone is aware of the heartbleed exploit for OpenSSL, since it's been all over the news/tech sites so I won't ramble on about it. I'm just going to show how I used puppet to patch our vunerable servers. We currently have over 1500 hosts on puppet, of which the…

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Nagios: check_puppetagent

I figured now that we have most systems added to puppet that we should probably be monitoring the puppet agent to make sure it's actually running after encounting a few servers where it was stopped/dead. A quick google search revealed a few nagios plugins, but they were more advanced…

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Kerberos authentication notifications to IRC

At work we use the super awesome FreeIPA (which is a wrapper for things like Kerberos and LDAP) for single sign on to servers and other stuff, but it doesn't really have a way to track what servers users are logging into without trawling through the logs.As I like…

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